Case Study – Intelligent Dosing System.

By leveraging innovative AI-driven chemical dosing systems, Jems Environmental revolutionised the client’s effluent treatment process, delivering transformative improvements and significant operational benefits.

At Jems, we use the latest technologies to improve efficiencies and automate water treatment. At this effluent plant, we implemented AI monitoring software that tested the quality of the water 100 times a second. By measuring the size of the solid fraction within the water stream and adjusting the chemical dosing accordingly to optimise solid fraction removal, and measuring the clarity of the water in between the solid fraction, we were able to achieve the following benefits:

30% reduction in chemical usage = £8,200.00 per month saving

By dosing in real-time, based on the toxicity of the water, rather than overdosing to maintain treatment during peak loading, we reduced chemical usage in the plant by approximately 30%. For this site, this saving resulted in a cost saving of around £8,200.00 per month.

10% Energy Saving

Through real-time dosing we were able to implement the resting of certain pumps when dosing wasn't required. This led to a reduction on energy costs of 10%.

£2,400.00 per month saving on Haulage

By improving the quality of water treatment, we also improve the quality of the sludge produced. By creating a more efficient system the sludge being produced from the AI dosing system was far more concentrated. This improvement means less water is removed from site, which requires less haulage. The more concentrated sludge product also has less waste chemical present as there is no over-dosing. There is also a reduction in the overall sludge produced as a result, which equated to around 10% reduction in haulage requirements.

Higher Energy Yield

Another benefit of a more concentrated sludge stream is that it produces a higher yield of electricity when the sludge product is processed at an Anaerobic Digestion plant. This means more clean energy is produced.

20% Cost Saved in Time & Maintenance Cost Saved

The intelligent dosing system provided the client with a reduction in maintenance costs and hours as the system does not operate constantly as with a traditional system, meaning parts require replacing and maintaining less frequently. This saving is estimated to be around 20%.

Pictured above: Part of the AI monitoring involves monitoring the solid particles within the water stream 100 times a second.