Case Study: Improving biological treatment

Safeguarding the local environment through more robust and advanced processes.

Through hybridising a variety of different technologies into a bespoke biological treatment system, Jems were able to provide cost savings to our client, as well as improving the compliance at the site, which in turn, safeguarded the local environment through more robust and advanced processes.

Enhanced Micro-Diffusion

For this client, we utilised an enhanced diffuser process within the aeration system at the bio-plant. This reduced the footprint of the system, which provided a saving in civils costs at the start of the construction

Vortex Breeding

Through utilising enhanced micro-diffusion technology, we introduced vortex breeding areas for the bacteria, this increased the ‘hunger’ of the bacteria which increased their activity and ability to consume the contaminants within the water, therefore reducing the retention time required for treatment.

This resulted in a significant cost saving of approximately 30% at the design stage in the form of a smaller tank being required.

Mixed Biological System Design

We also designed into the plant a mixed aerobic and anaerobic system; this further reduced the construction cost as there were less tanks required. This also promoted the growth of the bacteria and more efficient treatment through less heat-loss from the tanks. It also reduced the energy costs by around 20% as less electrical pumps were required to operate the plant.

Biological Flotation Technology

To reduce CAPEX costs on biological sludge separation, we designed a bespoke flotation unit for the tertiary sludge separation. Coupling this technology with AI chemical dosing enabled us to provide a cheaper option than other sludge separation technologies, whilst ensuring that the system was robust and provided constant protection for the local receiving water course. This ensured the site remained compliant at all times.

The benefits of utilising these modern bio-technologies and processes include:

  1. Estimated CAPEX saving of around £220,000.00
    A reduction on the footprint of the required biological treatment phase of the process, which provided a direct saving to this client in the CAPEX phase of the project. This was due to less civil engineering works being required and smaller tanks being suitable for treatment.
  2. 20-25% reduction in energy usage.
    A reduction in energy cost for ongoing operation (OPEX) of the treatment plant. Having a smaller treatment system in place reduced the energy cost on the associated pumps, blowers and motors as less oxygen and less liquor was being used within the system. This saving was estimated to be around 20-25% (depending on the incoming wastewaters).
  3. A more efficient treatment process was achieved through breeding bacteria which was ‘hungrier’ and was therefore able to treat the wastewater over a shorter period of time.
  4. Estimated CAPEX saving of around £650,000.00
    Through utilising floatation and autonomous dosing technologies we were able to deliver a significant saving in the tertiary treatment phase of the system. This is compared with other mechanical filtration technologies which are in the market.